Department 18 TOP SECRET

“Whether they are aware of us or not, I like to think that  Department 18 work in the
public’s best interests and that has to be our primary concern.”
Simon Crozier. Director General of Department 18

INTERVIEW  30-forty-hall-caravan

CURRENT CASES Classified Level D These files are only available to view by users with a Level 4 security clearance or higher

 CONTACT US Should you have information on paranormal events in your area you should contact us. We need your input if we are to deal with the paranormal phenomena prevalent in the world today.


Since its creation in the1920’s Department 18 has tackled a wide range of cases involving the paranormal and associated psychic phenomena. Hauntings, poltergeist activity, demonic possession and many other examples of the paranormal fall under our remit, and we have tackled them all at one stage or another over the past 90 years.

We operate out of Whitehall and are closely associated with the other services M15 and MI6, and are directly under the aegis of the Home Office. Like all branches of the Civil Service Department 18 is non-political.

We have a number of teams that investigate cases of the paranormal in Great Britain. Not only do we look after our domestic interests but we also open our resources to various government departments across the globe, sharing our expertise and wide experience in this field.

Included on our staff are some of the most experienced para-psychologists in the world, as well as some leading clairvoyants, dowsers, empaths and precognitives. We are always looking for people with similar gifts to join us. Contact details can be found on the home page of this site


The origins of Department 18 can be traced back to a meeting in 1922 between Fletcher Pressman, the munitions millionaire, and Genevieve Madison, an American medium, well-known in the United States for her work in the field of psychic research, and equally for a series of exposes of fake mediums and clairvoyants.

Pressman had been trying to contact his son who was killed during the Battle of Passchendaele, in 1917. No records exist to show if he was successful in his quest, but the two struck up an immediate friendship after Madison convinced Pressman that he was an easy target for the many charlatans capitalizing on the grief of the thousands left bereaved by the Great War.

Pressman was impressed by her desire to prove the existence of true paranormal phenomena and offered to part-finance her research. Within two years Pressman’s interest in the paranormal rivaled that of Madison and he joined with her to start investigating such events in earnest.

They opened offices in The Strand and within five years had a small team of genuine mediums and clairvoyants working for them. They kept extensive records of the paranormal events they and their team investigated, and before long were recognized throughout the world as experts in the field.

During the Second World War their services were called upon by the War Office. Hitler was rumored to be dabbling in the occult and especially black magic, and so Pressman and Madison and their team were given the role of advisers to the SIS, the Special Intelligence Service.

Pressman died from a heart attack in 1944. It was a blow from which Genevieve Madison never recovered and, immediately after the war, she went back home to America, where she died eighteen months later.

Rather than disband the team the Government initiated a special department, to carry on the investigations into paranormal phenomena. origin1

1945 – 1965

In the Department 18 archive there are case studies reaching back to 1945 (a few of which can be found on this website) when the government of the day formed, as it was called then, the Department for Studies into Paranormal Activity. Each Head of the Department is hand-picked by a special Select Committee, and is usually a person with a strong interest in the type of case the department investigates.

Probably the most famous of these incumbents was Alvar Liscombe who held office between 1953 and 1961. It was under his aegis that the department came to be known as Department 18, or D18. Liscombe was a capable administrator, but also an inspired investigator. He was instrumental in solving the Lavenham poltergeist case in 1958 and the Hatfield hauntings the year after, along with many others.

Liscombe was a larger than life character who was vocal in his belief that the paranormal was a reality, and was just another facet of the universe that we didn’t understand. His appearances on television, in the early days of that medium, were widely reported and elevated him to the status of what we would now call celebrity. In fact his profile became so high that Harold Macmillan’s government saw it as a problem, and saw Liscombe himself as a subversive influence on what was then thought to be a very gullible public. Pressure was brought to bear in high places, notably from the House of Lords, and Liscombe was removed from his post.

He went on to lecture throughout the world, filling lecture halls from Dublin to Denmark, until his disappearance in 1965. Rumours of a plot hatched somewhere in the Vatican, to assassinate him were never substantiated, and while the media of the day posited numerous theories, some plausible, some preposterous, his disappearance remains a mystery to this day.


Since 1965 the department has operated on a much more low-key level. So much so that the majority of the public seem unaware of its existence; a situation that suits the current Head of Department18, Simon Crozier. In a recent interview with this writer he said, “…he (Alvar Liscombe) was the best, and the worst thing that ever happened to this department. The best because, at the time, he raised public awareness of the paranormal. People began reporting incidents that, before, would have either been ignored or consigned to urban myth. It was a very busy time for the department and, in the years he was in charge, more was learned about the very real nature of paranormal – supernatural – call it what you will, then at any time in the preceding forty years.

“These days there is a culture that embraces everything from UFO sightings to mass hypnosis. Conspiracy theorists and cranks get as many column inches in the press as respected scientists, if not more so. There is so much out there that the sheer mass of information and misinformation muddies the waters and makes our job infinitely more difficult. It’s all about sorting the wheat from the chaff. And that situation is largely the fault of people like Alvar Liscombe. In the world he, and others like him, created, even the most easily explained anomaly is given some kind of paranormal credence.”

Crozier went on to say, “We at Department 18 tend now to operate beneath the public radar. Although we are a part of the Civil Service, and accountable to the usual government committees and ministries, we work in the same kind of netherworld that MI’s 5 and 6 inhabit. At the end of the day, whether they are aware of us or not, I like to think that we work in the public’s best interests, and that has to be our primary concern.”

CAREERS Have you a special gift? We are always interviewing possible recruits for the Department. Telekinesis, clairvoyance, precognition… whatever your gift,  contact us.


ARCHIVE – DEPARTMENT 18  These cases have been cleared for wider dispersal.


Leonard Hugh Maynard was born in Enfield Middlesex in January 1953. Father dies in late 1950’s leaving widow – still alive – and son and daughter, Christine. All 3 remaining Maynard’s live in ——— in Hertfordshire. Leonard has a son, Iain, who has drawn and written and creates webs for supernatural interests. NOTE – investigate son. (There is a granddaughter)

Leonard appears to have shown little interest in schooling, leaving at 16 and bean work as a lapidary in London where he remained employed until 2012. This may be a mask for his real activities. Since age 21 Maynard has written supernatural stories. Many mirror to a specific degree, known and recorded D18 investigation. NOTE – is Maynard privy to Department data?

In 1979 Maynard had his first book published SHADOWS AT MIDNIGHT. There then followed a long period, until 1999, without book publication. This leads us to speculate that the purpose of the first publication was to conceal the infiltration into D18 files. After the 1999 book ECHOES OF DARKNESS, many more books followed up until the present day. It is noted that as publications increase so the level of apparent reporting of Department cases has slowed. It is also noted that Maynard – along with Sims , see study 39 – edited numerous anthologies of fiction where hundreds of stories were received and seen. NOTE – can these all be investigated to ascertain if D18 cases have been concealed within the work of other writers. Maynard has currently been working on a further novel that features D18.

The novel published in 2009 BLACK CATHEDRAL features D18 and mentions by name several operatives. The novel NIGHT SOULS also features secret activities. THE EIGHTH WITCH from 2012 is a ward of court. Two further titles cannot be named for legal reasons. ACTION – bring Mr Maynard in for a discussion. Use the recently revived anti terrorism legislation if required.

CASE STUDY D18 2008 / 39 M P N SIMS

Michael Philip Norman Sims was born in New Cross London in December 1952. He moved to Enfield in 1956 – see case 38. He met Maynard in 1964 in Enfield Middlesex. Father dies in late 50’s leaving widow. Mother dies after long Alzheimers aged 71. Has brother, seems unrelated to investigation. Has wife and daughter. (NOTE also granddaughter) All  close family live in ——— in Hertfordshire.

Michael appears to have done reasonably at his schooling, leaving at 19 and began work in banking where he is was employed until leaving until unusual circumstances. This may be a mask for his real activities. Since age 21 Sims has written supernatural stories. Many mirror to a specific degree, known and recorded D18 investigation. NOTE – is Sims privy to Department data?

In 1979 with Maynard, Sims had his first book published SHADOWS AT MIDNIGHT. SEE ABOVE. NOTE – can these all be investigated to ascertain if D18 cases have been concealed within the work of other writers. Sims seems to be preparing a non supernatural novel but this may be a diversion from his actual activities. ACTION – bring Mr Sims in separately for a discussion. Use the recently revived anti terrorism legislation if required.

Case D18 – 2004 – 3672/AciP/2296

This case – as with so many others – is recorded as a piece of fiction by L H MAYNARD & M P N SIMS

DANCERS the story is in the hardcover collection FALLING INTO HEAVEN published in limited edition by SAROB PRESS of Wales (this speciality press has published several books that are under investigation by the Authorities)  This case concerns an ex-convict, JOHN CROWE. He is released from prison – files pertaining to the court case, the sentence and the time spent in prison are available under separate reference to those with the appropriate clearance. Upon release he is met by his daughter.

The prison gate shut with a whisper behind him and he took his first lungful of free air in four years. Across the street Diana was getting out of the car. ‘Dad!’ she called. He was relieved to see there was nobody else in the car. He met her halfway across the street and they embraced, stopping the trickle of traffic and eliciting several angry horn blasts, but they were oblivious to the noise. ‘You’ve had your hair cut since I last saw you.’ She ran her hand through her auburn crop self-consciously. ‘It suits you short.’ She looked at him askance. She knew he hated short hair on women. ‘No, really, I mean it. It looks good. Brings out your eyes.’ ‘That’s enough. Come on,’ Diana said. ‘Let’s get you home.’

It is obvious from the outset that something is haunting Crowe.

He was staring back at the prison, taking one last long look at the place. As he looked the wall rippled as a shock wave passed through it, and then the bricks began to bulge outwards as if made of rubber. The brickwork stretched, ballooning, splitting, and a black shape pushed out from inside the wall, forming on the pavement outside the prison into an uneven cloud of shadow. It took the human form of a man, but was ill defined around the edges, as if incomplete. Crowe gasped and spun round in his seat. ‘Drive!’ he said to his daughter. Diana turned to him, confused by the panic in his voice. She followed his gaze but saw nothing but the prison wall, solid, iron-grey brickwork, intimidating and unbreachable.

A welcome home party is organised, but Crowe has no feelings of relief at his release. He is scared. It was a problem meeting his old friends, and when they sang, For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow, he started to feel nauseous. He certainly was not a jolly good fellow at all. He was a man who had committed a crime, who had been caught and punished. He was a man so neglectful of his wife that she ran off with the first man to pay her serious attention. He was a man who had let himself down. He didn’t deserve, or want, their cheers. Refuge comes in the form of an old friend, the wife of his best friend, Phil Taylor.

He and Helen had been friends for years, since before she married his best friend, Phil Taylor. She had been Helen Nolan then and he had nurtured a major crush on her, but at the time he was committed to Carol. ‘You shouldn’t smoke, Helen. It’s bad for your health.’

Helen takes Crowe to his old place of work, a workshop. It was just as he remembered it. His hammer and staple gun still lying on the bench where he’d left them the morning the police came to arrest him. Even the material he was using to re-upholster the couch was still there on its roll, leaning against the wall. Even here the haunting pursues him.

A small movement attracted his attention. There were black shadows moving among some rolls of material in the corner. Vague and indistinct they weaved in and out of the rolls. He walked across to the corner and crouched down, pulling the rolls aside. The shadows had vanished but the movement, vague and diaphanous remained, like an echo after a loud noise.

Meeting with Phil Taylor the story that has haunted Crowe is shared and the danger they all face is revealed.

‘Leon Ellis was a killer. ‘He called them dancers,’ Crowe said. ‘He described them as living shadows, and said he could see them, and hear them, and they were marking all those people for death, telling him who the next victim would be. He had been in prison for most of his life, and he had got to learn how to control them, and use them.’

Helen is affected, as is Phil. Crowe comes to realise that he is the catalyst. Only he can change events.

What we learn from this ‘fiction’ is that the phenomenon we know as ********* is here given the name ‘Dancers’. The description is acutely accurate (Investigate how the authors have access to this information) The final scene, though portrayed as drama in this story, is fact. The death is recorded and the cause remains shrouded in some doubt. Carter was ordered to investigate the prison cell. The initial request to interview Ellis was accepted but the man died (cause of death unknown) Case remains OPEN – status yellow.

Case D18 : 01497  Care – see linked cases D18:2 / D18:3 and D18:4)

(The others are spaced out a few months apart. One was a small factory outlet on an industrial park; another was a multi story car park; and then there was a small retreat that consisted of a number of terraced houses knocked through into one dwelling.)

Factory outlet Imported and sold to retail shops – religious artifacts. Location – Newcastle Upon Tyne, England. Occurrence – Initially reported to local police as a burglary/break-in the matter was not pursued as there were no goods stolen, just graffiti scrawled on a single wall. Police files indicate the incident was put down as teenage vandalism, common in that industrial part of the city. Later, and where it came to Department attention – the graffiti was found to be Latin in origin, ancient version not currently taught in education. The translation of the words (365 words in total) indicate a pattern of supernatural incidents that are intended to build into a revelation of ‘dire consequences’.

The factory site was found to be on a path of suspected high level ley line construction. Areas of the site building were found to be 20 degrees lower than surrounding parts in terms of ambient temperature. Other sections of the building itself were found to be pliable despite being constructed from imported steel.

CASE STUDY / D18 : 2765 Care – see linked cases D18:1 / D18:3 and D18:4)

Location – car park. It was in a residential area, houses all around, a row of local shops, and a church. Midlands area of England. Initial reports of were low level activity. Car alarms going off with no apparent reason. Stairwells filling with puddles of water when it had not been raining. Then three cars drove off the top storey of this four storey car park. No driver was in any of the cars. A hole exactly five feet in diameter appeared in the second floor. Anything dropped into the hole hovered in the entrance and would not enter. From beneath the hole, anything held up to the opening was sucked up and did not appear out of the hole onto the appropriate floor of the car park. The church nearby was a Catholic church. The site of the car park is believed to be along a well known and disputed Ley.

CASE STUDY D18 / 3789 Care – see linked cases D18:1 / D18:2 and D18:4)

Location – A retreat. The file indicated it had originally been a row of terraced houses built for the workers at a mill that produced cotton at the turn of the twentieth century. In the 1990’s it had been cleverly converted into a single dwelling, long and narrow though it was it was organized to accommodate up to fifteen priests. The retreat was a house for Jesuit priests to stay and meditate.

(The factory supplied Catholic artifacts (D18:1); the car park (D18:2) was near a Catholic church, the Fleming’s were practicing Catholics (D18:4); Sian was Catholic, and the Jesuits were as close to the Pope as anyone could be.

Is the Roman Catholic Church the link? Why? Spread out on the kitchen table was a map of the British Isles. He’d marked four stars on it with red pen. ‘The stars are the sites of my last four investigations.’ He took a ruler and laid it over the stars. They formed an arrow-straight line.

NOTE – current secret investigation into the events on Kulsay Island (Scotland) may be linked.

See traced Ley on UK map – appendix 2c attached. Kulsay from Weymouth (recent Carter investigation and disappearance of Davies. What happened to the management team on Kulsay Island? Current status – They disappeared. (quote from report – They disappeared! Vanished without a trace, except for the blood.)

Incidents at the retreat in Aylesbury, England. Ghostly orbs seen at night spinning between the rooms. Shouts heard at night from empty rooms. Water dripping from a ceiling but evaporating before it touched the floor. Smells of sulphur in the kitchen. Suggest Kulsay investigation team (Jane Talbot?) read D18:1,2,3,and 4, before proceeding further.

CASE STUDY D18 / 42763 Care – see linked cases D18:1, D18:2 and D18:3

Fancy –  Taken from and edited from the case notes of R Carter (using data collected also by S Davies).

The house There was nothing very special about the house – a medium sized English suburban semi-detached, built some time in the nineteen thirties, complete with bay windows and a stained glass panel depicting sun-rays, set in the solid green-painted front door, so that it looked like sunlight captured on grass; nothing much to set it apart from its neighbors.

The tree lined avenue was the picture of normality; cars parked either side against the neat verges, hedges precisely clipped, a child’s bicycle on a front drive, the sound of an electric mower buzzing like a sun lazed bee. The house they were visiting looked welcoming, and would have been a pleasant place to spend the afternoon.

The house had been decorated some time in the nineteen-seventies, but the browns, yellows and pinks had faded with age and looked more muted now than when they were first applied. The Fleming’s, the owners of the house, were a couple in their seventies, both retired. It was Mrs. Fleming who had taken the steps to bring in the Department. Her younger brother was high up in the Whitehall pecking order, and a frantic phone call to him had set the wheels in motion. Another phone call was made to Department 18’s head, Simon Crozier, with the request that the Department investigate the house. In deference to the request Carter had been sent; the Department’s top field man.

The owners Six months ago the couple started hearing things that disturbed their prosaic little life. At first it was nothing more than a few scratches on the ceiling, the odd footfall on the bedroom floor when they were both downstairs, but nothing that couldn’t be explained away rationally; a loose board settling into place, birds or mice setting up home in the eaves of the house, nothing to be alarmed about. They were both getting old and the mind could play tricks.

The smells were more alarming. According to the Fleming’s the kitchen was often filled with the reek of ozone that smelled something like an electrical short circuit. In the lounge it was the odor of sour cream, and in the bedrooms the musty mud and straw smell of an animal pen. But it was the entrance hall that had the most distinctive and most repellent aroma. Mrs. Fleming described it as ‘the smell of something washed up on a beach; dead and rotten.’

There had been a number of physical manifestations, and an alarming amount of damage to both the property and the residents, culminating with old Mr. Fleming being pushed down the stairs. The fall had broken his hip, and a prolonged stay in hospital had precipitated their moving out. He flatly refused to set foot in the house again until it was ‘sorted out!’

The kitchen It was probably nothing more than a broom cupboard. Opening the door something jumped out. A cat skidded across the kitchen floor to the back door. Without even checking its stride, it shot out through the cat flap. The house has been empty for weeks, but there’s no sign that it’s been shut in there for any more than a few hours. No mess, and it certainly couldn’t have survived that long without food and water. It wasn’t real, it didn’t actually exist. The Fleming’s had a cat matching the description of that one, but they found it with its throat cut six months ago.

Plates were lifting from the dresser as if grasped by invisible hands. One after another the plates were being destroyed, smashing down on the floor with such force that pieces of china were embedding themselves in the vinyl.

Whatever was causing the damage was instantly aware of them as soon as they entered the room. There was a momentary pause, and one of the willow pattern plates floated from the dresser, hung in the air for a second then, with frightening force, flew across the room towards them. The plate sailed through the gap between them and smashed on the wall behind, showering them with sharp shards of broken china. Starting as a low rumble a sound started to fill the room. It developed quickly into a chorus of whoops and squeals, underpinned by a deep guttural growling.

The dining room They were in the dining room. There was a bulge underneath the wallpaper, about the size of a large walnut, and it was moving slowly across the wall at eye level. As it moved it formed a hump in the paper, but behind it the wallpaper was smooth, flattened down as if the hump had never been there.

Whatever was beneath the wallpaper was picking up speed. The paper made a soft hissing sound as it lifted away from the wall. There were three humps, moving parallel to each other diagonally across the wall, and more of the things were creeping up from the skirting board.

Then the wallpaper split and a large beetle emerged, black and glistening, with a hard iridescent carapace. The creature scuttled across the wall, then the carapace opened and it took flight, launching itself at Sian and attaching itself to the soft skin of her neck.

Underneath the wallpaper the rest of the creatures were moving in frenzy, sensing the attack. As the paper lifted and fell in their path it whispered and hissed, filling the room with a soft susurration.

The grip of the creature was fierce and the effort of making it loosen its hold made the sweat bead on Carter’s brow; then suddenly, with a sound like of sigh of resignation the creature released its hold on Sian’s flesh. It writhed in Carter’s grip, the scurrying movement of tiny legs making him shudder. The thing was squirming in his grasp and twisting its head in an effort to bite him.

As if acting on a signal from the first creature, the other bulges in the wall burst open, like paper eggs hatching, and the air was filled with the sound of twenty or more of the beetles testing their wings.

Facts –

Mr. & Mrs. Fleming reported disturbances in their suburban house that highlighted a potential Department investigation. Reasons included a possible link to recent previous occurrences of a similar nature. R Carter (see personnel file attached Confidential) was sent with his assistant S Davies (possibly now deceased) Report is typically fanciful but tends to support view that previous incidents are linked. (see Appendix 1b for earlier reports – less detailed) House displayed signs of poltergeist presence but none registered. House is considered to be possible line of Ley being investigated. Smells, cat, plates, ‘beetles’, are considered phenomena used as distractions. House location – apart from possible Ley connection – is not unusual in any other regard. Conclusion – The recent occurrences should be gathered into a single file. Carter is suspended from duty. Davies is ‘missing’. Crozier should be instructed to send a team to the site locations in order of occurrence and report back within six weeks.


Facts are inconclusive. This appears to be an attempt to open one of the 7 Gateways and release one or more of the mid level Demons. Quotes are taken from a fictionalised version of the incident (see postscript) The facts are that a Surrey man drove to visit his uncle in Cornwall. The uncle appears unwell – “ … jumped out of the car and shook his hand warmly. My first impression that he hadn’t changed was wrong. He had aged ten years in the last three.”

The uncle immediately reveals the purpose of the visit – “Do you know what the Seven Gateways of Hell are, Gary? Legend has it they are the doorways through which the inhabitants of the underworld come through to seek entrance into our world.” “… one of those Gateways is here, on this farm and I need your help in dealing with it. You must appreciate the danger we’re dealing with.” The nephew is sceptical and asks to be shown some proof. He is actually merely humouring his uncle whom he believes become senile living alone on this remote far.

He is taken out onto the land and shown an isolated meadow where – “…a few steps closer and realised it wasn’t grass, but a gaping hole about fifty feet in diameter. Paul reached down and picked up a stone about the size of a child’s fist and dropped it down into the hole. “Listen,” he said, his voice low, barely more than a whisper. I listened, I heard nothing, and told him so. “Bottomless.” “And that’s the Gateway?” I said.

The uncle then reveals that he has seen things coming out of the hole. We must assume these are the lesser demons preparing for the incursion. This assumption is supported by what the nephew sees – “I ran outside to find my uncle standing below my window, a shotgun in his hands. At his feet was the torch, it’s white light falling on something that made me want to retch. The thing on the ground was about the size of a five-year-old child. Its head and part of its shoulder had been completely blown away by the blast from Paul’s shotgun. The rest of it was like something from the foulest nightmare. The skin was dark brown, wrinkled and covered in open sores, seeping milky yellow fluid. Its spine was raised and twisted. The arms were long, long enough for the hands to reach the ground should the thing stand upright, and they ended in claw like hands. The feet too were claw like, but possessed of prehensile toes. I looked up the side of the house. There was nothing that thing could have used as hand holds on the smooth boards, yet somehow it had reached my window, the crimson patch on the boards told me that much.”

NOTE – this description is new at this stage and is being researched at section 4.

The reason for the uncle to ask the nephew to the farm at this specific time is then revealed. – “There are certain times of the year when the Gateway can be breached. All Hallows Eve, that’s one. Then there are the occult sabbats, Lammas, Candlemass and so on. And then there are the two solstice days, December 22nd and…” “June 21st,” I said. “Tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. They’ll come for me then. I was doing some blasting in the west meadow, trying to start a new well. It seemed cheaper and quicker than digging irrigation ditches. Well that initial blast opened that hole I showed you. Thankfully it happened on one of the days when the forces of Good were at their strongest. The Gateway opened just a crack, just enough to let out those creatures. They are half-demons, who live on the very edge of Hades. Understand, Gary, those creatures are nothing compared to the true inhabitants of the Underworld. They are there to serve their masters, the real demons. Demons whose names have been carved into the folklore of so many cultures. We’re talking about Set of the Egyptians, the Red Indian’s Coyote, and our very own Satan. Can you imagine what will happen if the Gateway opens fully and these demons, these forces of unmitigated evil, are let loose on an unsuspecting world?”

NOTE – there is some truth in these, part of the conversation is merely rumour and false accounts spread by D18, and others, through the years, to minimalise public anxiety.

The uncle recruits his nephew’s assistance to explode dynamite into the hole to seal it. NOTE – this has been successfully achieves in —– in 1921 and at —– in 1954 but it believed this attempt on the Cornish farm is not connected.

“The hole was a seething mass of dust and smoke. A bright red glow was showing through the cloud and in the middle of the cloud something was moving, something unspeakable, something, which swayed in the air and stretched out black fleshy tentacles to sweep the ground around the pit. Tentacles that picked at the remainder of the creatures and carried them up to a cavernous mouth.” “The dynamite had exploded too early. Instead of closing the Gateway, I had opened it further.” The uncle dies but the nephew believed he was successful in closing the Gateway.

NOTE – we now know the entrance was passed along the —– Ley and probably settled in Scotland, offshore at an island locally known as Kulsay. NOTE – this incident was published as a short story GATEWAY by British fiction writers L H Maynard & M P N Sims who are being investigated.

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